- What does the Pure Power Plug-In do?
The SATIC Pure Power Plug-In filters are the most advanced plug-in EMF and dirty electricity filter available on the market at any price. It regulates any standard wall outlet so appliances and electronics run cooler, smoother, last longer and run more efficiently, thereby ultimately saving energy. No other system has this extraordinary combination of circuit board design, optimized power factor correction modules, line conditioning, voltage regulation, nano-surge filtration, electromagnetic field reduction and negative harmonics reduction with extremely robust surge protection.
- What does an EMI meter tell me? What is that informing me and how the Power Perfect helping?
EMI meters measure the relative amount of dirty electricity, or electromagnetic interference (EMI), on wiring in buildings. It measures the amount of EMI in millivolts (mV). The amount of EMI correlates to the amount of sound emitted by the EMI meter which also related to the amount of EMF on the wiring. The Pure-Power Plug-In acts as an EMI filter and reduces the amount of EMI. Using the EMI meter to measure before and after plugging in a Pure Power Plug-In will demonstrate how it can reduce the amount of EMI and related EMF radiation.
- How does the SATIC PowerPerfect™ Wire-In unit protect someone from the negative effects of smart meters?
Smart meters are well-known for introducing harmonics into the electrical system. Smart meters may also be monitoring and controlling usage of electronic devices and appliances. These harmonics create electromagnetic interference (EMI) and electromagnetic frequencies (EMF) that produce increased electromagnetic radiation (EMR). So those with EHS may be impacted by and affected by smart meters. In addition, with increased harmonics and related dirty energy, it would seem that smart meters are actually making electrical systems less efficient. Many report higher electrical bills after smart meters are installed. The PowerPerfect™ Wire-In unit will effectively filter and clean the electricity coming in from your utility or smart meter as well as the harmonics that are created within your electrical system. This filtering of harmonics also protects your privacy as smart meters use various signals across electrical wires to query information from smart appliances to communicate your information to the power company. The SATIC PowerPerfect™ Wire-In also filters out these harmonics, and as a result protects your privacy.
- What is 'Dirty Electricity' or 'Harmonic Distortion' really?
Dirty Electricity is a form of electromagnetic pollution or radiation. It is also called electromagnetic interference (EMI) or electrical “noise.” It refers to powerful, high frequency electrical energy traveling along the wiring in buildings where only standard 60-hertz AC electricity should be. It is also frequently referred to as harmonic distortion as it interferes with and distorts the fundamental 60-hertz sinusoidal wave form. This distortion also results in unusable energy.
- Is there really such a thing as EMF hypersensitivity?
Yes, there is something called electrohypersensitivity (EHS) that some individuals have who are physically affected by the presence of electromagnetic frequencies (EMF) and the related electromagnetic radiation (EMR). This sensitivity varies among individuals and symptoms vary but it has become a well-known fact that EMF and EMR can manifest as physiological and neurological symptoms in those who have EHS.
- What’s better for surge protection? More Pure-Power Plug-In units or the Power Perfect™ Wire-In and why?
The optimal solution in most cases is a SATIC PowerPerfect™ Wire-In unit coupled with a pair of Pure-Power Plug-Ins. This approach provides maximum protection for all circuits on all phases right at the breaker panel. It also provides additional protection and filtering with its Phase-to-Phase filtering capabilities. The Plug-In protects the circuit on which it is installed and other circuits on the same phase, but it doesn’t protect as powerfully as the PowerPerfect™ Wire-In. It also only filters phase-to-neutral. Strategically placed Plug-Ins further lower EMI readings.